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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

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Notable Women of Faith in Days of Old

Verily, many women have entered this world and departed, and many more, with men, shall come until the world's end. Yet, some have left indelible marks upon the sands of time, both in the spirit and in the flesh. While some have blessed their generations, others have left a legacy wanting.

1. Sarah, the Companion: Sarah was a close companion to Abraham in his pilgrimage. Her faith strengthened Abraham in his moments of weakness, for even strong men have their times of frailty. Even as Martin Luther, the great reformer, was once discouraged by the trials brought by religious adversaries. His wife, perceiving his despondency, donned black garments, as one in mourning. Luther questioned her, "Who is dead, that thou wearest such apparel?" She replied, "God is dead." Luther, in righteous indignation, cried, "Blasphemy!" To which she responded, "If God were not dead, wouldst thou, a warrior in His service, consider turning back in discouragement?" And so, Luther was roused anew, with vigour to preach the unadulterated gospel, whence the Protestant Church arose, illuminating the spiritual darkness of the age.

2. Ruth, the Steadfast Convert: Ruth, a Gentile convert, cleaved unto Naomi, her mother-in-law, an Israelite, forsaking her homeland to embrace the God of heaven, even when the future was uncertain. "And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God:" (Ruth 1:16). God still seeketh such women, whose hearts are set upon Him and His kingdom.

3. Deborah, the Prophetess and Deliverer: Deborah, a prophetess approved of God, ministered and delivered Israel from their enemies. How many pastors' wives, endowed with diverse gifts, use them for the growth of the Church? The mother of John Wesley, though bearing many children, devoted an hour daily to prayer. And so, God blessed her with John and Charles. Likewise, when D.L. Moody held a crusade, two handicapped sisters, hearing of it, prayed fervently, risking their health in intercession. And when Moody preached, a mighty outpouring was felt. Again, when Moody's ministry waned, he sought the Lord in prayer, and was told that his greatest supporter had been called home—an aged woman whose fervent prayers had sustained him. "And I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none." (Ezekiel 22:30). May He find thee, sister, standing in the gap with ceaseless prayer.

4. Mary, the Blessed Virgin: In Nazareth dwelt Mary, a virgin highly favoured of God. Her pure character drew the attention of heaven, and she was chosen to bear the King of kings. She had no worldly accolades, but her virtue was sufficient for God. Women of today can emulate her, living blamelessly before God and man. She did not contend with Joseph, nor murmur in her labour, even in the humble manger. She endured all, a woman of great grace.

5. Priscilla, the Zealous Helper: Priscilla, a fervent convert, grew spiritually alongside her husband. She supported him in ministry, and with him, discerned the shortcomings of Apollos, and aided him in his understanding of the gospel. Such women are needed to kindle the fire of revival.

6. Elizabeth, the Faithful and Barren: Elizabeth, despite barrenness in her old age, remained faithful. She was accounted righteous before God, not turning to false prophets. She trusted in God, and in her old age, bore John. How many sisters will remain steadfast, trusting in Jesus, and not compromising their faith?

7. Mary Magdalene, the Passionate Follower: Mary Magdalene, from whom seven devils were cast out, showed great devotion to the Saviour. When the disciples left the empty tomb, she remained, weeping. And Jesus revealed Himself to her. How many women will wait on the Lord with such passion, receiving divine revelation? You, too, can be a woman of faith. It is not too late.

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